Developmental Courses

Student Academic Success Center courses are open to matriculated students only.

While developmental courses include work on content to address gaps in knowledge base, faculty also work with you to develop the 鈥済ood-student鈥 skills that will prepare you for academic success. Attending class regularly, completing assignments thoroughly and on time, being an active learner, taking notes, etc. are all areas of focus. Student Academic Success Center faculty use a variety of instructional techniques for students who have had less than positive experiences with math or writing in the past. You are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the tutoring available at the Student Academic Success Center to supplement work in your courses.

Credits for these courses count toward full-time enrollment but do not satisfy core curriculum or graduation requirements. Course grades are computed into cumulative grade point average.

SAS 011 鈥 Engaging with Text Writing Lab

This developmental level course is designed to support you while you are enrolled in English Composition or College Reading & Writing I. The course focus is on writing as a process, using engagement with and responses to text as its content, while simultaneously achieving developmental objectives. (1 credit)

SAS 021 鈥 Introductory Algebra and Problem Solving

The goal of this developmental level is to develop proficiency in using algebra to communicate mathematically and to solve applied problems. Topics include solving equations, applying formulas, graphing, and operations with equalities, polynomials, exponents, and roots. (3 credits)

SAS 022 鈥 Advanced Algebra and Problem Solving

The goal of this developmental course is to develop proficiency in using algebra to communicate mathematically, represent mathematical relationships, and solve applied problems. Topics include functions, exponents, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations, rational and radical equations, inequalities, and systems of equations. (3 credits)

SAS 040 鈥 Chemistry Math Lab

This developmental level course is designed to support you while you are taking General Chemistry I if you might otherwise struggle with the mathematics required for chemistry. This course provides reinforcement of basic chemistry concepts and the math involved in solving chemistry applications. Offered in the fall semester only. (1 credit)

SAS 041 鈥 Chemistry Prep

This developmental level course is designed to support developmental mathematics studens preparing to take General Chemistry I, you did not successfully complete General Chemistry I because of difficulty with the mathematics required for the course, or your major does not require chemistry until your second year of studies. The course provides an introduction to basic chemistry concepts and the math involved in solving chemistry applications. Offered spring semester only. (1 credit)