Headshot of Stephanie Mohan

Stephanie Mohan, M.S.

Laboratory Coordinator II


Marcil 028
Biddeford Campus



M.S. Marine Science
University of Texas at Austin
B.S. Marine Biology
Texas A&M University at Galveston


Selected publications

Cao, J., Verma, S. K., Jaworski E., Mohan, S. D., Nagasawa, C. K., Rayavara, K., Sooter A., Miller, S. N., Holcomb, R. J., Ji, P., Elrod, N. D., Yildirim, E., Wagner, E. J., Popov, V., Garg, N. J., Routh, A. L., Kuyumcu-Martinez, M. N. 2021. RBFOX2 is critical for maintaining alternative polyadenylation patterns and mitochondrial health in rat myoblasts. Cell Reports. Nov 2;37(5):109910. DOI: 

Mohan, S. D., T. L. Connelly, C. M. Harris, K. H. Dunton, and J. W. McClelland. 2016. Seasonal trophic linkages in Arctic marine invertebrates assessed via fatty acids and compound-specific stable isotopes. Ecosphere 7(8):e01429. DOI: 

Mohan, S. D., Mohan, J.A., Connelly, T.L., Walther, B.D., and J. W. McClelland. 2016. Fatty-acid biomarkers and tissue-specific turnover: validation from a controlled feeding study in juvenile Atlantic croaker Micropogonias undulatus. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI: 

Mohan, J. A., Smith, S. D., Connelly, T. L., Attwood, E. T., McClelland, J. W., Herzka, S.Z., and B.D. Walther. 2016. Tissue-specific isotope turnover and discrimination factors are affected by diet quality and lipid content in an omnivorous consumer. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology & Ecology. 479:35-45. DOI: