Michael Lawrence, M.S., Ph.D., CSCS, CPSS
Mike Lawrence is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy. His primary teaching responsibilities are in the areas of kinesiology, biomechanics, anatomy, and exercise. He earned his bachelor’s in Exercise Science and Masters in Biomechanics from Ball State University and a Ph.D. in Leadership in Health and Human Performance from Concordia University Chicago.
Mike likes to get involved in many different types of exercise based research, but his primary focus is on the biomechanical assessment of resistance exercises for use in rehabilitation and performance improvement.
Mike’s interest in resistance training stems from his competitive powerlifting career. His best lifts are: 825lbs squat, 500lbs bench, and 710lbs deadlift. He is a member of the Northeast Iron Works Powerlifting team.
Board Certifications and Licenses
Certified Performance and Sport Scientist
Selected publications
Lawrence M, Hartigan E, Tu C. Lower limb moments differ when towing a weighted sled with different loads and attachment points. Sports Biomechanics, 2013.
Carlson LA, Koch AJ, Lawrence M. Influence of Flo-Dynamics Intervention on Measures of Performance in Older Persons. Clin Interv Aging 2013:8:905-11.
Cottle C, Carlson LA, Lawrence M. Effects of Sled towing on Sprint Starts. Journal of Strength and Conditioning. J Strength Cond Res. 2014:28(5):1241-5.
Hartigan EH, Lawrence M, Bisson B, Torgerson E, Knight R. Relationship of the Functional Movement Screenâ„¢ In-Line Lunge to Power, Speed, and Balance Measures. Sports Health. 2014.
Lawrence M, Carslon LA. Effects of an Unstable Load on Force and Muscle Activation during a Parallel Back Squat. J Strength Cond Res. 2017:29(10):2949-53
Bisesti B, Lawrence M, Koch AJ, Carlson LA. Comparison of Foot Strike Mechanics during Lateral Cutting: Barefoot vs. Shod. J Strength Cond Res. 2015:29(11):3075-8.
Ostrowski S, Carlson L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Primary and Stabilizing Muscles During the Bench Press. J Strength Cond Res. 2017;31(2):430-434.
Lane H, Rose LE, Woodbury M, Arghavani D, Lawrence M, Cavanaugh JT. Exploring the effects of using an oral appliance to reduce movement dysfunction in an individual with Parkinson disease: a single subject design study. J Neurol Phys Ther. 2017;41(1):52-58.
Lawrence M, Leib D, Ostrowski S, Carlson L. A Non-linear Analysis of an Unstable Bench Press Bar Path and Muscle Activation. J Strength Cond Res. 2017:31(5):1206-1211.
Carlson LA, Lawrence MA, LeCavalier K, Koch AJ., J Strength Cond Res. 2017;31(5):1236-1240.
Hartigan EH, Lawrence MA, Murray T, Townsend J. Biomechanical Profiles When towing a Sled and Wearing a Weighted Vest Once Cleared for Sports Post-ACL Reconstruction. Sports Health. 2016:8(5).
Hartigan EH, Aucoin J, Carlson R, Klieber M, Murray T, Shaw B, Lawrence MA. Relationships between Knee Extension Moments during Weighted and Unweighted Gait and Strength Measures that Predict Knee Moments after ACL Reconstruction. Sports Health. 2017:9(4):356-363.
Carlson LA, Fowler C, Lawrence MA. Agility and Vertical Jump Performances are Impacted by Acute Cool Exposure. J Strength Cond Res. Accepted 2017.
Carlson LA, Lawrence MA, Kenefick RW. Hydration Status and Thermoregulatory Responses in Drivers during Competitive Racing. J Strength Cond Res. Accepted 2017.
Swanson BT, McAuley A, Lawrence M. Changes in Glenohumeral Translation, Electromyographic Activity, and Pressure-Pain Thresholds Following Sustained or Oscillatory Mobilizations in Stiff and Healthy Shoulders: Results of a Randomized, Controlled Laboratory Trial. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice: 2020; 50, 102243. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msksp.2020.102243
Lawrence MA, Ostrowski SJ, Leib DJ, Carlson LA. Effect of Unstable Loads on Stabilizing Muscles and Bar Motion During the Bench Press. J Strength Cond Res. 2021 Feb 1;35(Suppl 1):S120-S126. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002788. PMID: 30138240.
Williams MR, Jr, Hendricks DS, Dannen MJ, Arnold AM, Lawrence MA. Activity of shoulder stabilizers and prime movers during an unstable overhead press. J Strength Cond Res. 2020;34(1):73-78. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002660.
Lawrence, MA, Somma, M, Swanson, B. Effect of Load on Muscle Activity, Kinematics, and Force Production during the Reverse Hyperextension Exercise. Journal of Applied Biomechanics. 2022, 1(aop), 1-10.
Somma M, Lawrence M. Reliability and Accuracy of Stryd to Detect Changes in Vertical Displacement of the Center of Mass While Running. J Strength Cond Res. 2024 Dec 24. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000005038. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39714230.
Other scholarly activity
Mentored Student Research Projects
Bisesti B, Cottle C, Lawrence M, Carlson LA. A Comparison of Knee Moments during a Lateral Cutting Maneuver: Shod vs. Barefoot. 2012.
Cottle C, Bisesti B, Jackson M, Carlson LA, Lawrence M. Kinetic Differences in Weighted and Un-Weighted Sprint Starts. 2012.
Fowler C, Lawrence M, Koch AJ, Carlson LA. Effects of Acute cold Exposure on Performance. 2013.
Lyons C, Carlson C, Lawrence M. Force Production and Muscle Activity During Sprint Starts while Pulling a Heavy Sled. 2014.
Cottle C, Stoltzfus S, Lawrence M. Does a Neuromuscular Training Program Improve Mechanics during Landing and Cutting maneuvers. 2015.
Ostrowski S, Carlson L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Primary and Stabilizing Muscles During the Bench Press. 2015.
Pobocik K, Brazeau D, Lawrence M, Carlson L. Influence of Exercise Time of Day on Salivary Melatonin Responses. 2015.
Bloniak T, Cook C, Lawrence M. The Effectiveness of an 8-minute Squat Intervention for the Untrained Adult. 2016
Ostrowski S, Carlson L, Lawrence M. Effect of an Unstable Load on Deep Stabilizing Muscles during the Bench Press. 2016.
Hecker K, Lawrence M. The Effects of the Safety Squat Bar on Trunk and Lower Body Mechanics. 2017.
Research interests
Biomechanics of resistance exercises
Chronic low back pain