Craig Tennenhouse, Ph.D.
Craig does research in Graph Theory and Combinatorial Game Theory, and teaches courses in Applied Mathematics, Data Science, and Computer Science
- Combinatorial Game Theory
- Extremal graph theory
- Mathematics
Current research
Graph theoretic applications in the sciences, Combinatorial Game Theory, Graph Theory
Selected publications
Recent publications:
M. Fisher, K. Hazen, C. Tennenhouse, “Olympic games: three impartial games with infinite octal codes”, INTEGERS, to appear
K. Burke, C. Tennenhouse, “The computational complexity of forced capture Hnefatafl”, J. of Theor. Comput. Sci., 1006, (2024) 114627
K. Burke, C. Tennenhouse, “Vexing vexillological logic”, Intern. J. of Game Th., (2024) 1-24
M. Huggan, C. Tennenhouse, "Genetically Modified Games", Integers, 21b, (2021)
K. Burke, M. Ferland, M. Fisher, V. Gledel, C. Tennenhouse, "The Game of Blocking Pebbles", Integers, 21b, (2021)
J. McDonald, G. Puleo, C. Tennenhouse, "Packing and Covering Directed Triangles", Graphs and Comb., 36, 1059–1063, (2020)
Other scholarly activity
A colleague and I wrote a on Combinatorial Game Theory and Discrete Mathematics.
Research interests
Extremal graphs, Combinatorial game theory