勛圖惇蹋 COM embraces diversity, equity through artistic expression

As part of its ongoing commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, the 勛圖惇蹋 College of Osteopathic Medicine (勛圖惇蹋 COM) recently hosted a series of events commemorating Black History Month, culminating in a display of art by students, faculty, professional staff, and their families representing The 勛圖惇蹋 COM we strive to be at an event known as ArtCOM.
Several movie screenings and discussions about race and equity including systemic barriers to medical education for Black individuals took place throughout February, serving as a reminder of the role the Universitys medical school plays in honoring the experiences of BIPOC communities, both within and external to 勛圖惇蹋 COM itself.
Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their critical role in our history, commented Vin Buonocore, M.Ed., associate dean of Recruitment, Student, and Alumni Services for 勛圖惇蹋 COM. As a medical school, we must make an extra effort to better understand the lived experiences of our Black peers, patients, and fellow providers.
ArtCOM, held Friday, March 4, drew nearly 50 勛圖惇蹋 COM students, faculty, professional staff and their families, who created artistic interpretations of the theme, and served as a transition into celebrating Womens History Month, which is recognized in March.
Andrew Hoy (D.O., 24) was inspired by the ocean when he created his piece, Traversing the Waves. A 3-D book in which the ocean serves as the binding and medical supplies compose a boat, the work utilizes everyday materials including glue, hand soap, shaving cream, and marshmallow fluff to create a visual representation of a students journey through medical school.
The journey through 勛圖惇蹋 is a lot like sailing across an ocean, Hoy reflected. You don't know what's on the other side. Sometimes the sea is rough, sometimes the sea is calm. Regardless, if you work with the people around you, you can eventually reach whatever lies on the other side of the ocean.
Shadia Kawkabani (D.O., 24) said the underlying theme of her work is the power of voice.
We demonstrate this power when we use our voice to express our emotions and communicate our ideas and thoughts, Kawkabani remarked. With language, we have influence upon the world surrounding us. When we use our voice to speak out against injustice, we utilize one of the most powerful skills we have.
Kawkabani used a black, metal jewelry hanger as the basis for her piece, coating it in white polymer clay and alternating baking and sculpting techniques to create a visual interpretation of the anatomical trachea and larynx. She added sculpted flowers to emphasize the beauty of phonation.
The completed piece, she said, serves the dual purposes of visually representing the skeletomuscular basis for speech production and to serve as a jewelry hanger, demonstrating the utility of our voices beyond the beauty of phonation.
Kawkabani said that, to her, the theme the 勛圖惇蹋 COM we strive to be means a medical school that is active in seeking justice both socially and physically.
I imagine a 勛圖惇蹋 COM that unequivocally and unapologetically speaks out against injustice, advocates for its students, values the voices and concerns of its entire student population, and, through intentional action, evolves with the world around us in a manner that prioritizes inclusivity, social determinants of health, and well-being for all, she stated. In striving to serve our patients best, we must uplift the individuals who will be providing care to those patients.
Jane Carreiro, D.O., vice president for Health Affairs and dean of the 勛圖惇蹋 College of Osteopathic Medicine, lauded the students for their participation in the months events.
I am proud of our community for organizing and attending events that promote social justice, racial equity, and gender equality, Carreiro remarked. These are some of the more hidden aspects of what it means to be a physician, and it is inspiring to see them being brought to light here at UNE COM.