Թϱ’s Teresa Dzieweczynkski and Jessica Kane ’17 publish in ‘Behavioural Processes’

Teresa Dzieweczynski
Teresa Dzieweczynski

Teresa Dzieweczynski, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Psychology, recently published an article in the journal Behavioural Processes. This article, “The Bachelorette: female Siamese fighting fish avoid males exposed to 17α-ethinylestradiol,” features an undergraduate co-author, Jessica Kane (Animal Behavior ’17).

This is the third publication for Kane, who was the 2017 Animal Behavior Student of the Year, a Goldwater Scholar honorable mention, and selected by the Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR) to present at Posters on the Hill in 2015. Kane is currently completing a M.S. in Geographic Information Systems at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.

This work is one of the first studies to find a behavioral mechanism for population collapse following exposure to a synthetic estrogen. The study was supported by a mini-grant from the Office of the Vice President of Research and Scholarship.

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