‘Press Herald’ features Hanna Sihler’s efforts as Solar Ambassador

Hanna Sihler
Hanna Sihler

Hanna Sihler (Oceanography and Biophysics, ’18) was the focus of an April 23 Portland Press Herald article about an effort she is leading at UNE to raise funds for a solar panel project at Camp Ketcha in Scarborough.

Sihler, along with a group of other Թϱ students, are working with Re-volv, a non-profit organization that empowers people to use crowdfunding to finance community-based solar projects through a revolving fund. These Solar Ambassador students, under the guidance of Noah Perlut, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Environmental Studies, are working to raise $35,428 –with two weeks remaining.

If the goal is achieved, ReVision Energy, a local solar power installation company, will install the panels at Camp Ketcha. Re-volv will maintain ownership of the panels for the first 20 years. During this time, the organization guarantees that the camp will see at least a 15 percent reduction in energy costs. At the end of the 20-year period, the panels will become the property of Camp Ketcha, which can then enjoy the free energy produced by the panels on an indefinite basis.

According to the article, Sihler and her fellow Solar Ambassadors created a fundraising video, held a fund raiser at Portland Pie and are planning raffles and an ice cream “Sunday” event as well. They maintain a Facebook page as well as a website to accept tax-deductible donations.

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