Emily Warner, Rebecca Krivitsky and Katherine Cone from Stevenson Lab present at Experimental Biology Conference in Boston

Emily Warner (Neuroscience, ‘16), Rebecca Krivitsky (Neuroscience, ‘16) and Katherine Cone (Neuroscience/Med Bio, ‘15) presented a poster at the Experimental Biology 2015 national meeting, which was held in Boston, March 28-31, 2015. All three students are full-time research assistants in the behavioral pharmacology laboratory of Glenn W. Stevenson, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Psychology.

Warner was first author on the poster, and both she and Stevenson were interviewed by the official conference blogger for a piece on why undergraduates should attend national meetings.

Other Stevenson lab student co-authors included Phillip Atherton (Nursing, ‘15), Travis Pitre (Neuroscience, ‘16) and Janell Lanpher (Psychology, ‘17). The poster presented original research on the lab’s development of preclinical operant methods to assess pain/motivation interactions. The validation of these assays will ultimately be tied to future drug development and evaluation studies.

Abstract Citation

Warner E, Krivitsky R, Atherton P, Pitre T, Cone K, Lanpher J, Giuvelis D, Bilsky EJ and Stevenson GW. The effects of incisional pain and osteoarthritis pain on food-maintained responding under progressive ratio schedules of reinforcement. American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics/Experimental Biology, Poster presentation, March 29th, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts.