Article by Teresa Dzieweczynski and student co-authors accepted by ‘Ecotoxicology’

Teresa Dzieweczynski, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Psychology, authored an article that was recently accepted by the journal Ecotoxicology.

The article, “Fluoxetine exposure impacts boldness in female Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens,” features three undergraduate co-authors, Jessica Kane (Animal Behavior, ’17), Brennah Campbell (Psychology, ’16) and Lindsey Lavin (Animal Behavior ’14). It is the first publication for Kane, the second for Campbell, and the second for Lavin who is currently in her second year of veterinary school at Cornell.

This work was funded by a Թϱ mini-grant from the Office of the Vice President of Research and Scholarship and continues the Dzieweczynski lab's work on examining how pharmaceutical exposure affects fitness-related behaviors in Siamese fighting fish.