Marilyn Gugliucci serves on panel at Summit on Aging event

Last week there was a sold-out house at the Civic Center in Augusta for the Maine Summit on Aging - an event organized by the Maine Council on Aging (MCOA). Marilyn Gugliucci, Ph.D,. Director, Geriatrics Education and Research, is a founding board member of the MCOA and on the Summit planning team; she also serves as the MCOA secretary.

The Summit brought together a diverse, dynamic group of professionals and advocates who gathered to be proactive about meeting older adult needs for support and services and making it known that Maine’s older adults, as a group, are a tremendous resource to the state and our communities.

Gugliucci participated on a panel in one of the afternoon sessions.  The session was titled “Higher Education’s Role in Advancing Resources in the Field of Aging.â€

By the end of the day, which was bookended by a video opening by Senator Susan Collins and a talk by Senator and former Governor Angus King (who announced that his 70th birthday is coming up), those attending had developed plans to address high priority issues and leverage the power of Maine’s oldest-in-the-nation population.