Marilyn Gugliucci serves as lead author on chapter outlining gerontology curriculum guidelines

Director of Geriatrics Education and Research in the College of Osteopathic Medicine Marilyn R. Gugliucci, Ph.D., as chair of the Association for Gerontology/Geriatrics in Higher Education (AGHE) Health Professions Geriatrics Curriculum Guidelines Task Force, completed and published a chapter titled 鈥淔oundational Gerontology/Geriatrics Curricula Guidelines for Health Related Programs鈥 in  Standards and Guidelines for Gerontology Programs 鈥 Fifth Edition.  Other authors of this chapter are Elyse Perweiler (Rowan University), Shirley A. Weaver (National AHEC), Nancy E. Richeson (USM), & Patricia A. Hageman (University of Nebraska Medical Center).

The rationale for establishing the Task Force in 2011 was based on the (1) compounding affects of the dramatic increases in the numbers of older adults, (2) increased demand for health care providers competent to provide health-promoting/self-empowering care for older adults, (3) general lack of explicit geriatrics content across disciplines, and (4) lack of geriatrics/gerontology guidelines for health care provider education programs.

The Task Force contained 21 members from U.S. colleges and universities representing dentistry, social work, recreation therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, nursing, medicine, physician assistant, and other allied health professions.

The Charge to the Task Force was to:
鈥    Develop a set of basic core geriatrics/gerontology competencies appropriate for all health professions students;
鈥    Promote development of geriatrics/gerontology curriculum guidelines for health disciplines;
鈥    Facilitate review and endorsement of these curriculum guidelines

The Task Force has successfully accomplished its charge.

The chapter citation is:

Gugliucci, M.R.; Perweiler, E.; Weaver, S.A.; Richeson, N.E.; & Hageman, P.A. (2014) 鈥淔oundational Gerontology/Geriatrics Curricula Guidelines for Health Related Programs,鈥 Chapter in: Standards and Guidelines for Gerontology Programs 鈥 Fifth Edition. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Washington, DC.