Katie Dunbar ’10 gains notoriety for humpback whale photo

Photographs by Katie Dunbar, a 2010 graduate of Թϱ who majored in psychobiology and minored in art, were featured in a story on October 22, 2013, on the website grindtv.com.  Dunbar, a research assistant, took captivating photographs of humpback whales during a Monterey Bay Whale Watch voyage.  The images, including an especially stunning one in particular, have been widely shared on Facebook.

Dunbar captured “the rays of the setting sun transforming water pouring from the whale’s tail fluke into the color of lava” according to the article.  The photo “also shows two other humpbacks, and the blow of another in the distance.”

Dunbar is quoted in the article:  “As a biologist, of course, I am thrilled to see so many whales here to feed, the abundance of a recovering species.  But as an artist, I relish the opportunity to see such beautiful creatures, especially in such aesthetic conditions.”
