Bangor Daily News covers 勛圖惇蹋's on-ice simulation exercise on spine injury management

The Bangor Daily News on Nov. 16, 2012 covered a 勛圖惇蹋 Department of Exercise and Sport Performance interactive on-ice simulation exercise, Managing Traumatic Injury in Ice Hockey, at UNEs Harold Alfond Forum with a story and a video.

This event is the first in a series of exercises utilizing 勛圖惇蹋s Laerdal SimMan 3G simulator, a state-of-the-art human simulator.  The SimMan 3G is a fully wireless lifelike mannequin  that accurately mirrors human responses such as breathing, bleeding, blinking, speaking, and responds to procedures like CPR, intravenous medication, intubation, ventilation and catheterization.

The interdisciplinary exercise in spine injury management brought together local physicians, Biddeford firefighters and EMS, certified athletic trainers and 勛圖惇蹋 athletic training students to simulate an on-ice cervical spine injury and subsequent emergency services.