College of Pharmacy recognizes students, faculty and staff achievements at 2010 awards ceremony

Students, faculty and staff associated with the inaugural class of the ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ's College of Pharmacy were recognized on May 5, 2010 at a scholarship and leadership awards celebration. 

Following the formal ceremony, students of the Class of 2013 surprised Douglas Kay, Ph.D., dean of the College of Pharmacy, with the presentation of a sundial and plaque as a memento of their appreciation to him for his "outstanding commitment and service" during a very successful first year. 

The sundial has a prominent place in a garden behind the College of Pharmacy, located on the Portland Campus.

College of Pharmacy Awards Ceremony

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Billy and Gloria Miller Scholarship
Recipient: Roda Maalin
Presenter: Billy Miller

Billy and Gloria Miller Scholarship
Outstanding Professionalism Award   

Recipient: Mike Dougan
Presenter: Billy Miller

Supervalu (Shaw's) Pharmacy Scholarship
Recipient: Breanna Curran
Presenter: Carol Doorenbos (Shaws)

Supervalu (Shaw's) Pharmacy Scholarship    
Recipient: Brandon Dionne   
Presenter: Carol Doorenbos (Shaws)

Hannaford Scholarship
Student Leader Award   

Recipient: Tamkeen Qurashi   
Presenter: Lisa Martin for John Thacker (Hannaford)

Walgreen's Scholarship
First-Year Academic Excellence Award   

Recipient: Cindy Lee
Presenter: Greg Paramantgis (Walgreen's)

Walgreen's Scholarship
First-Year Academic Excellence Award   

Recipient: Krystal Lacombe
Presenter: Greg Paramantgis (Walgreen's)

Walgreen's Scholarship
First-Year Academic Excellence Award   

Recipient: Theresa Foster   
Presenter: Greg Paramantgis (Walgreen’s)

Betterment Foundation
Wm. Bingham 2nd for COP Scholarship   

Recipient: Lucas Lampron   
Presenter: Already awarded
Dr. McCall recognized

Student Scholar Award   
Recipient: Frank Jamison   
Presenter: Dr. Schloss

Annual Assessment Exam Awards   
Recipient: Cindy Lee
Presenter: Dr. Zeiler

Annual Assessment Exam Awards   
Recipient: Brandon Dionne
Presenter: Dr. Zeiler

Annual Assessment Exam Awards   
Recipient: Kenneth Lee
Presenter: Dr. Zeiler

Annual Assessment Exam Awards
Pharmacy Communications Award   
Recipient: Jina Cha   
Presenter: Dr. Zeiler (OSCE)

Dr. Zemrak (COMM award
P1 Teacher of the Year   

Recipient: Dr. Glenn Rosenthal   
Presenter: Clara Ofadile, student
Awards Committee

Mentor of the Year   
Recipient: Dr. James Krebs   
Presenter: Chad Fleahman, student
Awards Committee

Service Appreciation Award   
Recipient: Dan Mickool, Mercy Hospital   
Presenter: Dean Kay

Pharmacist of the Year   
Recipient: Mark Polli, Hannaford   
Presenter: Dr. Cyr (Note: Mark Polli could not attend)

Staff Excellence Awards   
Recipients: Peg Donovan, Lynn Kopak, Ann Marie McDonough, Diane Polinski Elizabeth Huntley   
Presenter: Dr. Guvench