Brian Duff quoted in story on election impact of Maine visit by Bill Clinton

Brian Duff, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science, was quoted in an Sept. 15, 2010 story on the impact of an expected visit from former President Bill Clinton in support of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Elizabeth Mitchell, who is trailing GOP candidate Paul LePage in the polls. "Right now, this doesn't look like a state where the Democrats have a great chance to win the governor's house," Duff said. But he added with Labor Day past and more voters paying attention, this is a moment when Mitchell could turn the campaign around - and Clinton's visit may give Mitchell's campaign momentum. "Clinton is a great way to remind people that there's plenty they did not like about the eight years the Republicans were running things on a nationwide level," said Duff. "People are very dissatisfied with the status quo, but it doesn't take much to remind them how we got to the status quo."