Brian Duff interviewed for MPBN radio story on Maine governor-elect Paul LePage's campaign contributors

Brian Duff, Ph.D., associate professor of political science, was interviewed for a Maine Public Broadcasting Network radio story Dec. 15, 2010 on campaign contributions to Maine governor-elect Paul LePage, who raised more than $1.2 million. In addition to that sum, the Maine branch of the Republican Governors' Association raised over $1.8 million, of which more than a million went towards advertisements related to Maine's governor's race. A large percentage of the RGA contributions came from the pharmaceutical industry. Another major contributor was the Corrections Corporation of America - the group that wants to build a private prison in Maine - which gave $25,000 to the Maine RGA.

"It doesn't seem as if these donations are going to change the way Paul LePage governs," Duff told MPBN. Duff says he understands why the contribution from the private prison's PAC might attract the attention of political watchdogs. "You know, people are nervous about that - certainly Paul LePage has given some lip service to privatizing the prison industry here in Maine. That being said, you know Paul LePage, he tends to lean that way either way, so its not clear if that donation really makes a difference in how he plans to govern."