Brian Duff interviewed on MPBN radio about negative ad in GOP gubernatorial primary

Brian Duff, Ph.D., assistant professor of political science, was quoted in a Maine Public Broacasting Network May 10, 2010 on a negative ad by Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Poliquin against his Repubican rival Les Otten, alleging that Otton had mismanaged American Skiing Company as CEO. "I think that's going to be an effective ad, actually. But in a race this size those two could take each other out of the fight if they decide to go negative on each other," Duff says. Duff says Poliquin runs the risk of offending viewers who don't care for attack ads. On the other hand, when all seven of the Republican candidates for governor are emphasizing jobs and the economy, Duff says it could be that Otten is seen as vulnerable on the topic because of American Skiing's troubled history. The company was eventually sold off in pieces. "And so if Poliquin can make the case that Otten is not as legitimate as he seems on jobs that's going to hurt a lot," Duff says.