Sustainability and Business


Bachelor of Science with a major in Sustainability and Business
College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)
School of Professional Programs


Dr. Noah Perlut, Assistant Academic Director 

Dr. John Austin, Business Department Chair


The Sustainability and Business program considers and applies environmental, social, and financial concerns to create a more sustainable world. You gain the knowledge, experience, and ethical grounding to play a leadership role within a public or private company, nonprofit organization, or an entrepreneur.

More specifically the program:

  • Prepares you for ethically and socially responsible roles in sustainability and business professions and society.
  • Develops your ability to recognize, analyze, and solve problems with an awareness and appreciation of human connections with the rest of nature.
  • Helps you achieve personal and career goals.
  • Prepares you for entry-level positions in either the private or public sector and/or to prepares you for coursework at the graduate level.

Major Description

The B.S. in Sustainability and Business is offered jointly by the Environmental Studies and Business programs within the College of Arts and Sciences. It is designed to be interdisciplinary and to offer students numerous opportunities for collaboration and experiential learning, and for applying their skills in real-world settings. The first-year experience includes a Green Learning Community.

Curricular Requirements

CAS Core Requirements and Major Requirements

Program Required Courses including Green Learning Community: First Year
Course Credits
ENV 100 and 101 or ENV 104 - Introduction to Environmental Issues 3
BIO 105 and105L - Biology I: Ecology/Evolution/Lab 4
LIT 121 and 122 or LIT 124 - Literature, Nature & the Environment 3
BUEC 104 and 105 or BUEC 106 - Economics in Context 3
MAT 151 - Statistics for Environmental Sciences 3
Program Required Courses to fulfill CAS Core Requirements for Social/Global Awareness: Second Year
Course Credits
ENV 200 - Environment and Society 3
ENV 208 - Climate Change: Causes, Consequences, Solutions 3
Total 22
Total CAS Core Requirement Credits 42-46

Additional Required Courses for the Major

Course Credits
BUAC 201 - Financial Accounting 3
BUEC 204 - Microeconomics 3
BUEC 390 - Environmental Economics 3
BUMG 200 - Management 3
BUMK 200 - Marketing 3
ENV 240 - Environmental Sustainability Lab 2
ENV 250 - Environmental Policy in Comparative Perspective 3
ENV 344 - Environmental Ethics or BUMG 311 - Business and Society Relations 3
Environmental Studies Electives (2 courses, see table below) 6
Business Electives (2 courses, see table below) 6
ENV 295 - Internship or BUMG 295 - Internship 3
ENV 495 - Advanced Internship or BUMG 495A - Advanced Internship 3–12
ENV 499 - Senior Capstone 3
Total 41-50


Environmental Elective Suggestions Credits
ENV 204 - Urban Forestry 3
ENV 309 - Sustainability and Ecological Restoration 3
ENV 313 - Wetland Restoration: Science and Policy 3
ENV 316/316L - Land Conservation Practicum/with lab 4
ENV 321 - Environmental Communication: Expert Practices for Ecosystem Management 3
ENV 328 - Environmental Pollution: Ecosystems, Wildlife and Human Health 3
ENV 340 - Environmental Movements and Social Change 3
ENV 341 - Indigenous Ecology, Conservation Biology, and the Politics of Knowledge 3
ENV 348 - Environment, Health & Community Development in East Africa 4
ENV 357 - Sustaining Water: Social and Global Perspectives 3
MAF 200 - Introduction to Marine Pollution 3
MAF 210 - Introduction to US Ocean Governance 3
MAR 316 - Science in Society 3
Business Elective Suggestions Credits
BUEC 395 - Ecological Economics 3
BUMG 303 - Management of Nonprofits 3
BUMG 307 - Operations Management 3
BUMG 312 - Entrepreneurship/Sm Bus Management 3
BUMG 315 - Triple Bottom Line Reporting 3
BUMG 325 - Legal Environment of Business 3
BUMG 410 - Creating Social Enterprises through Design Thinking & Innovation 4
ORM 250 - Outdoor Entrepreneurship (Makerspace) 3
Open Elective Courses (as needed to reach 120 credits)
Minimum Total Required Credits 120

Additional Information

  1. Students may choose to tailor the last two years of course selections to their specific interests. For example, in close consultation with their academic advisor, they may select upper-level business and environmental studies electives that would result in an informal concentration in one or more areas including Non-Profit Sector, Corporate/Public Sector Sustainability, Small Business/Entrepreneurship.
  2. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in study abroad. Academic advisors will help tailor a student’s program to create opportunities for study abroad.

Students in this major can participate in the pre-health graduate school preparation tracks.

Learning Outcomes

The Sustainability and Business learning outcomes are as follows:

  1. Know fundamental principles of business and ecology and apply these to sustainability initiatives within private, public, and/or civic organizations/enterprises.
  2. Integrate the environmental, social, and economic aspects of sustainability and apply that integration to solve concrete challenges.
  3. Identify and measure the economic, social, and environmental risks and rewards (triple bottom line) of new ventures in sustainability, and compare short-term economic risks and returns with long-term expected benefits.

The Green Learning Community

All entering first-year Sustainability and Business Students, together with other environmental students, participate in a year-long learning community focused on the fundamental themes of environmental studies. The Green Learning Community integrates courses as follows: 4 credits of biology, 3 credits of literature (or an appropriate substitute), 3 credits of economics, and 3 credits of environmental issues for a total of 13 credits over two semesters. This interdisciplinary approach enables students to understand more clearly the complexity of environmental issues and at the same time improve skills in critical thinking, writing, oral communication, research, and the use of computers. Experiential learning activities are central.

Internships and Careers

Internships provide students with an opportunity to practice learned skills in an actual work environment with the guidance of the CAS internship coordinator, who helps students match their interests with a work experience that might take place locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally. Internships provide career exploration and can help establish professional networks that lead to career opportunities upon graduation. The particularly applied focus of the Sustainability and Business majors requires students to do two internships during their four-year undergraduate degree. The interdisciplinary nature of the Sustainability and Business major is reflected in the wide variety of careers open to graduates in the non-profit, corporate, and public sectors. Employment opportunities include Corporate or Municipal Sustainability Officer, Green Business Manager, Community Economic Development Manager, Environmental Affairs Officer, Green Entrepreneur, and Sustainability Program, Developer.

Transfer Credit


Financial Information


Tuition and fees for subsequent years may vary. Other expenses include books and housing. For more information regarding tuition and fees, please consult the Financial Information section of this catalog.

Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog

This Catalog documents the academic programs, policies, and activities of the ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ for the 2022–2023 academic year. The information contained herein is accurate as of the date of publication May 2, 2022.

The ³Ô¹Ï±¬ÁÏ reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its programs, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

While each student may work closely with an academic advisor, he or she must retain individual responsibility for meeting requirements in this catalog and for being aware of any changes in provisions or requirements.